Original Post — Direct link
Ive made a thread about this before but I just want to throw this out here for the people who told me that theyve never seen a female player be teamkilled for being a FEMALE PLAYER!

Today I was playing casual on Xbox while solo queueing and joined an ongoing match. The game starts and were attacking on favela. When I spawn I start going towards the objective and hear footsteps behind me, mind you I didnt think much of it as it was a teammate. Next thing I know I get killed and receive a nice message from the person who killed me saying Girls are not allowed. They have cooties. Not only was this the first round of the game I hadnt even spoken on the mic! I thought that would be the end of it but the next round he chased me around the map until he finally killed me. Being harassed for my gender can be very tiring, I just want to play the game you know? The discrimination is real and I can imagine how many other female players feel like shying away from playing because of this.

I ended up reporting him on Xbox and clipped the incident to submit to Ubisoft directly.

What are your thoughts about this?

Thanks for listening to my tedtalk
almost 6 years ago - Ubiflowessence - Direct link
Hey guys,

In the future, please stay on topic with the game and make sure comments are respectful and constructive.

OP, sorry to hear this has happened. We are currently testing a new reverse friendly fire, which we hope will reduce team killing by a large amount. We're keeping everyone update throughout this process!

If you run into toxicity in the future, please report them here >> http://ubi.li/4kax2

Thread Closed.