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Hi everyone

i hava a big issu on rainbow six siege could some one help me ??

It s been 1,5 year or more that batteleye ban me for no reason they ban me for cheating witch is not right! I contact ubisoft and there dont want to help supossly is batteleye how as to but i email like 10 emails and till today no answer ! So could someone please her help me im desperred to play that game i both it 6 times witch i was think with a new game they let me play but NO ! So could please someone help me to contact them or at least to tell what i can do to play again! Hope someone can help ! Thank you
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
The only way to attempt a ban appeal is through the Ubisoft Support team. There isn't anything that can be done on the forums.