over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
I've been saying this on pretty much all TS threads, but please keep in mind that these changes are on the Test Server for this exact reason. The devs want to gauge community reaction and feedback to balancing changes they're thinking about, which means these changes won't always make it to live.

With that being said, the TCSG has been a weapon that's quickly risen to now being one of the top 3-4 weapons on defense. When you don't have a suppressor on it, it's downing attackers in 2-3 shots and is a full-blown nightmare to go against. The changes proposed help damage drop off and make it so that it's not still incredibly deadly from longer ranges. Up close, you're still knocking Ashes and Bucks down in pretty much the same amount of shots.

Has anyone hopped on the Test Server to try any of this out themselves?