over 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by HexeR: If they're saying what I think they're saying, every gun can shoot through multiple people, regardless of the level of armor they're wearing? So a .45 pistol will shoot through a level 3 armor character, and hit whoever's behind them? Doesn't this concern anyone else? Especially for a game that louds itself on realistic "destruction" physics? I mean really, would it be difficult to give pistols and rifles, or hell, even just ammunition types, different rules for penetration?

Hey Hex!

I think there might be a bit of confusion as to how Limb Penetration will work in our game.
The only weapons that will have "Full Penetration" Dokk and Buck's DMRs, as well as Glaz and Kali's sniper rifles. Weapons that have "Simple Penetration" are ARs, submachine weapons, pistols and revolvers. Weapons that will have NO penetration are shotguns (except BOSG and TCSG) and machine pistols. If you want more information, you can check out our dev blog on it. [rainbow6.ubisoft.com] :)