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So I hopped into a solo terrorist hunt earlier after the patch and when it was done all I got was about 90 renown and that was with a booster. Wtf? Usually I get about 190 - 230ish renown when using a booster when I do that. Why did they nerf the TH renown?
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
The renown was nerfed for the lone wolf terrorist hunt because we wanted to dissuade players from hacking their renown. While we considered removing renown altogether, we instead opted to make renown gain based on time spent instead of score.

Originally Posted by Reck3rDragon
Same here. All I get, completely regardless of how long the game lasted, is 36 Renown with no booster active. And they even said it's now based of game time but it's not working for whatever reason.
However, if you're getting renown that isn't matching up with the time spent - then that may be a bug, and we'll need to investigate. What platform are you on? And what were your approximate playtimes for each time you received 36 renown?
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Originally Posted by LUSTOR
Yeah im on xbox one and the same thing is happening, only 36 renown, i really like TH hunt because is super fun and also a good way to get more operators.
Ubisoft please fix this.
We're looking into the 36 renown thing!
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Hi guys - back again. I posted this earlier in another post, but I just wanted to let you all know that the 36 renown is not a bug and it is working as intended. I'm sorry if I caused any confusion earlier as I was unaware of this renown cap myself.

I'll definitely be bringing up all the feedback I've seen to the team about this though.
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Originally Posted by SpecterPhoenix
As I pointed out in that thread, their fix punishes players like me who enjoy TH, but doesn't stop anyone from farming renown. I think my pseudo solution I link to in that reply is a more fair fix as it only gives renown to those who play TH and earn.
I know it feels like we're forcing unfair consequences upon legitimate TH player due to our efforts to curb renown farmers - and I'm sorry about that. Like I've said, I'll definitely be bringing this up for discussion, and so I'm more than happy to bring your suggestion forth to the team as well and ask what they think.
about 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Your complaints have definitely been brought to the attention of the team. What they decide - whether to leave it as it is now or change it, it's is up to their discretion. But even if they decide that they'd like to keep it as is for now, it doesn't mean we're letting the issue die - instead, we'd want to find and test an alternative solution that would both prevent renown farmers and give you all satisfaction from doing thunt. But like with all changes, those kinds of implementations will take time to develop and deliver.

So short answer, I don't have a response for you yet. But that doesn't mean yes or no either.