about 4 years
ago -
Direct link
Okay no problem You_Go_Slav, we can focus on that instead.
First things first to check with your microphone -
- Try toggling your settings between open mic and push to talk and testing this option - Go to 'Options' in the game and go to 'Voice Chat Record Mode', then change 'Push To Talk' to 'Open'
- Try running the game in Borderless Window mode
- Have you recently updated your audio devices drivers and Windows OS (Current update Windows 10, version 20H2)
- Have you checked what microphone the game is trying to use? Do you have a camera with a microphone that the game maybe using by mistake?
- Are you running any software in the background? Please disable all non-Microsoft programs except for you game and launcher through Task Manager. Please check your taskbar on the far right, to see if any programs are running also and disable.
First things first to check with your microphone -
- Try toggling your settings between open mic and push to talk and testing this option - Go to 'Options' in the game and go to 'Voice Chat Record Mode', then change 'Push To Talk' to 'Open'
- Try running the game in Borderless Window mode
- Have you recently updated your audio devices drivers and Windows OS (Current update Windows 10, version 20H2)
- Have you checked what microphone the game is trying to use? Do you have a camera with a microphone that the game maybe using by mistake?
- Are you running any software in the background? Please disable all non-Microsoft programs except for you game and launcher through Task Manager. Please check your taskbar on the far right, to see if any programs are running also and disable.