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Is 1.5 a good kill Death Ratio or is it bad?
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
K/D is not necessarily an accurate measure of performance. While it's a good and widely used quantitative indicator, you can't expect it to accurately capture the entire scope of a player's skill.
Trying to use K/D as the only marker of performance would be like if colleges only looked at high school GPA for admission. It does tell you something about a player, but in the same breath, it also doesn't say all that much.
about 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Temdee.
Have to disagree with a lot of this sub. K/D is absolutely an important part of your stats, dependent on who you're playing.

If you're playing Ash/Jager and can't hold a positive k/d, you're not contributing in the role those characters fulfill, which is to frag. If you're playing thermite/bandit and have a sub 1 k/d, you could still be a diamond level player, just really good at tricking, counter tricking, droning, and camming.
Yeah, I'd say K/D matters if you're an entry fragger, so like the Ash/Zofia, Bandit/Jager's of the world. If you're playing Support or info gathering, your K/D doesn't matter as much, but it' always nice to go positive in a game.