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So interesting read on the MMR system, but I find one section particularly strange especially with the example given and that was 'Personal Performance'


Personal Performance should matter to 'some degree' at the end of the day, the core objective of Bomb is either 'kill defenders/attackers' or plant/deny plant, ignoring straight up Personal Performance in a mode that requires 'kills' is fundamentally flawed and should be take into account (to some degree)

Your example of a player dropping 15 kills because they lost all the placement games should rank lower (yes that is correct using the current MM system) but you at no point ask the question 'why did he/she lose all placement games' after dropping such high personal performance. simple (team members not pulling there weight) by your logic the top fragger who lost, loses the same as the bottom fragger player who either has done nothing for the 'team' or has just 'played poorly' either way both should not be viewed equally when the personal performance between the 2 are greatly different in regards to the 'matches played'

I know support players exist, but this is why you need to use the scoring system to determine personal performance in relation to one another on team, all 5 players cannot be viewed equally, its a simple as that.
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by qecqecqecKing
So interesting read on the MMR system, but I find one section particularly strange especially with the example given and that was 'Personal Performance'


Personal Performance should matter to 'some degree' at the end of the day, the core objective of Bomb is either 'kill defenders/attackers' or plant/deny plant, ignoring straight up Personal Performance in a mode that requires 'kills' is fundamentally flawed and should be take into account (to some degree)

Your example of a player dropping 15 kills because they lost all the placement games should rank lower (yes that is correct using the current MM system) but you at no point ask the question 'why did he/she lose all placement games' after dropping such high personal performance. simple (team members not pulling there weight) by your logic the top fragger who lost, loses the same as the bottom fragger player who either has done nothing for the 'team' or has just 'played poorly' either way both should not be viewed equally when the personal performance between the 2 are greatly different in regards to the 'matches played'

I know support players exist, but this is why you need to use the scoring system to determine personal performance in relation to one another on team, all 5 players cannot be viewed equally, its a simple as that.
Under you proposed idea, do you feel that it adequately compensates team players instead of just rewarding people who get kills? Folks using cameras to communicate, giving solid callouts, helping their team members out in every way can be just as valuable as the person actually pulling the trigger, especially if they lead the team to a win. Do you think there's a solid way to compare how team-oriented or supportive a player a player is throughout the match?