almost 6 years ago - Ubi_Ludo - Direct link

In this new instalment of Designer’s Notes, we will tell you about imminent balancing changes. However, most importantly, we will offer you to have a glimpse at what we have in store for the future. Some of these changes will be tested on the Y4S2 Test Server, while others are still being tested, tweaked and finalized. We encourage you to download the Test Server client and let us know your feedback!

  • The Desert Eagle can now be equipped with a muzzle break or a suppressor.
  • Smoke’s FMG-9 has now the option to be equipped with a Vortex scope (Mozzie's scope).
  • Out of consistency, Finka's ability will now cleanse the resulting tinnitus, While affected by an explosion.


In order to use the OTS-03 scope at maximum efficiency, Glaz players will now have to stand still. Moving in any direction will progressively cause the bright yellow colour to fade out. Extra information will also be displayed on the side of the scope. In the original Operator design, Glaz was supposed to be a long-range operator, but his ability turned out to be underwhelming and rarely used. Therefore, the OTS-03 scope received the ability to see through smokes, while operators were highlighted in bright yellow. These additions made Glaz frustrating to play against and became a very strong close-range operator. He excels as at pushing towards the objective while being visually hidden. It is often difficult to counter him effectively when he uses smokes at his advantage. The current Glaz playstyle does not exactly reflect our initial intentions. To restore the original idea behind the Russian Sniper, our balancing team looked into his entry-fragging ability, and thus pursued the changes listed above.

Take a look at the upcoming Glaz scope[]


With Y4S1 release, we increased the swap time between the SURI Torch and his weapons. We are still monitoring community reaction around Maverick. Player feedback indicates that the sound may be too quiet, so we are still looking at audio tweaks; it is too early to share specifics.


A new propagation system for Capitão’s asphyxiating bolts has been introduced. We are now exploring how to use the same technology for other Operators and gadgets.

Smoke’s gas clouds are sometimes clipping through objects, and we are looking to improve its interaction with the environment, and reduce the frustration stemming from misleading visual information. We are also investigating how to adjust the rendering of the gas cloud itself and modifying the damage dealt.

Reworking a gadget in this way so as not to affect performance is a difficult and time-consuming task, so we do not have an ETA for when it will be complete.


The prototype presented during the Six Invitational was rather convincing during our internal tests. These shields will now align perfectly with doorframes. Black mirror slits have been replaced by regular bulletproof glass, thus giving the opportunity for attackers to spot defenders hiding behind the new shield.

There is still some polishing to do, we will tell you more about these shields when they are ready.


We want to reinforce team play when it comes to Shield Operators. We are exploring different options. Again, the frustration generated by certain Shield Operators is being investigated and ware exploring possible solutions that still allow Shield Operators to feel like a solid frontline choice.

Try out the latest Rainbow Six updates on the Test Server and earn and exclusive charm through the Bug Hunter program[].

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