about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by circle.: I’m prettty sure Ubi is on top of this already and trying to figure out solutions, but penalties already do stack btw.
This is true, our team is aware of this being an issue for our players.

Originally posted by 3.14: On lover ranks it's imposible to play because most 1/4 games you get leaver or team killing griefer in your team. Do harsh penaltiest like in CSGo. If you leave matches penalties stack and you can get ranked bans fors weeks.
Leavers in Ranked is so frustrating, especially since the mode itself can be pretty sweaty at times. Having one or multiple teammates leaving can just make the experience not fun, and it sucks that this is what some of your games have been like. When we have more to share, we'll make sure the community is in the loop.