about 6 years
ago -
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Hello all!
News on incoming changes during Y4:
After your first team kill in a match, you will enter a "reverse friendly fire" state. This means, anytime you attack a friendly from that point in the match, you will have that damage instead reflected back at you.
Explanation with in-game example:
I'd love to hear some feedback and reactions to this change! Let us hear your thoughts!
The Dev blog with more details is here! There are a few new changes, including the new option to forgive a TK if you believe it was unintentional.
News on incoming changes during Y4:
After your first team kill in a match, you will enter a "reverse friendly fire" state. This means, anytime you attack a friendly from that point in the match, you will have that damage instead reflected back at you.
Explanation with in-game example:
I'd love to hear some feedback and reactions to this change! Let us hear your thoughts!
The Dev blog with more details is here! There are a few new changes, including the new option to forgive a TK if you believe it was unintentional.