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Okay so this is less of a try to fix more of a vent. I've had R6 for 2 years now. I like variety so I do not play all that often. In the past, I had tried casual once or twice but due to my lapses in gameplay I tended to get yelled at for being new. So i tended to stick with terrorist hunt. Anyways with the new season, I was excited to see a Newcomer playlist. I'm very aware of some in the gaming community being toxic in general. And that some people make second accounts for practice, playing with friends, not wanting to ruin ranks, or etc.
I don't really have a problem with smurf accounts in general. I did it in halo 3 because my main live account got stuck way under my skill. I would beat the bejeebus out of people I got matched against but would get no ELO. My main issue is smurf accounts going into the Newcomer playlist to try and hit rank 30. And while they do that, they spam rush shotguns out of the defending area, they TK because they think you are "trash" (not a newbie which is why you are in that playlist), and on top of all that they decide to trash talk you on mic or messages. I'm in that playlist to learn the game better so I feel confident in casuals. If you are going in there for easy wins and just be toxic, please go play casuals. If it's an ego thing to just dominate in a newbie playlist, leave out the messaging. I dont really care that you think I'm trash, tell me what happened so I can try to fix it.
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
hey vhalen212,

Sorry to hear you've been having bad experiences with toxicity in the newcomer playlist. It's an unfortunate situation and I'm not really sure how "smurf" accounts can be dealt with for situations like this, because it is a completely separate account that the player paid for.
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
Originally Posted by vhalen212
I'm aware. It's more of just a general venting.
I totally understand, apologies if I ruined your flow.