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Yep, that time of year again where I drag the topic of Recruit buffing/reworking back from the grave. So at launch the recruit was every player's starting operator and was also auto chosen if you never picked an OP in time. But as of recent seasons every player now has all vanilla OPs unlocked by default and if the timer runs dry an operator will be auto chosen for you. What little use the recruit had was thrown out the window and now is used as an M870 troll rusher or by questionable people such as myself who main him for no apparent reason (Thanks for not even having his stats available
Note: My suggestion below is merely a placeholder and isn't a full fledged suggestion that I'm putting forward. It's just an idea to get some conversation in motion on the topic at hand.

So instead of having the guy discarded in the corner covered in dust why not mold him into an actual functioning operator where people won't outright kick you for picking him? It's been suggested before but I think this would be a solid opportunity to turn him into a "Create a character" of sorts? Be a nice throwback to the R6 Vegas crowd and would breathe life into an otherwise dead and pointless operator.

Remove the CTU's and instead just have A single balanced list of weapons (Similar to how the recruit was in Outbreak) while allowing them to customize said weapon. Skin tone, hair, gender, height (To a degree), Clothing and armor can be customized.

So I already hear the concerns of players just picking their created character and potentially throwing matches because they never picked an op to fill an empty role. But to be honest players in Ranked would never risk their MMR for a created character unless if they actually had a team plan around it. And in Casual, players just use their main anyway which half of the time never works well with one another.

At this point the recruit has no purpose besides being a memory of where we all started. Honestly, you may as well get rid of him or rebuild em. I'd much rather the latter, personally.

Love u UBI <3
about 5 years ago - Ubiflowessence - Direct link
I'm not sure if recruit is being looked into for any changes in particular; however, thank you guys for sharing this feedback!

What I've seen around the community has been pretty mixed in that some feel recruit should be updated and some feel recruit is fine as is.

Out of curiosity, what do you all think would be the benefit to adding an extra gadget to recruit or does everyone agree that recruits main purpose is only to be a "backup" operator?