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Originally posted by Osyris: Soon I'll be switching from Ps4 to PC and that means mnk for siege. I'm a plat player on console but I'm for sure gonna be worse on pc. Leaving all of my siege friends behind so if I could make some here that'd be cool. Lmk
Welcome to PC Siege! The switch shouldn't be as bad as you're anticipating. Since you're a Play player, your map knowledge and game sense is already on par with high golds and other Plat players. As someone who's also made the switch in the past, the most "difficult" thing is getting your DPI at a number that's comfortable for you. Once you get that setup, recoil shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you're practicing in T-Hunt.
As for making new Siege friends, I would recommend joining our Discord.[discord.gg] There are people in there playing around the clock, and finding a five-stack to jump into is a breeze. I've used it quite a few times not under my Ubi name, and the players in there are extremely inviting and fun to play with. I'd give it a shot if I were you!