Original Post — Direct link
Hi! I'd like to know if I'll get banned for using voice recognition software(Voicebot, voice attack). They recognize certain hotwords and translate them into key presses.
I want to use something like this just for convenience - Nothing fancy like recoil compensation, just single button presses for going prone, crouching and using my gadget.

Is this kind of stuff allowed or will I get in trouble with battleye?

And btw Battleye was nuts a couple of weeks ago. It was flagging my fresh windows install somehow. So I had to reinstall.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by NotKohai
Hi! I'd like to know if I'll get banned for using voice recognition software(Voicebot, voice attack). They recognize certain hotwords and translate them into key presses.
I want to use something like this just for convenience - Nothing fancy like recoil compensation, just single button presses for going prone, crouching and using my gadget.

Is this kind of stuff allowed or will I get in trouble with battleye?

And btw Battleye was nuts a couple of weeks ago. It was flagging my fresh windows install somehow. So I had to reinstall.
Yeah, that could get you banned.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by magnetHammer
Hi, UbiShoreman -

Could you elaborate a little bit on why this could get you banned? If the action is one voice command per game action (key press, for example), how does this differ from say a macro-enabled keyboard/mouse/Nostromo/Tartarus/etc? Also, is this something you could present to your developers? Also, since the mobility-challenged use tools like this every day to even be able to play games at all it would be nice to know a definite answer ('could' seems like it's a gray area).

Hey Magnet! I think the concern is along the line of adding an "extra function". I believe macro enabled software can also get you flagged. I am happy to provide this feedback for accessibility back to the developers, and am searching for more definitive answers for you.