Original Post — Direct link
https://youtu.be/fQw946hkd40 was i ddosed or did the game just give up on me?
I can provide the list of players if needed
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello samppa10s, thanks for posting and sorry to hear about your ban for disconnecting from a ranked match.

Usually if you were affected by a DDOS attack, you would start rubber banding across the screen whilst your ping counter rapidly jumped up and down, you would then be disconnected.

As you experienced the 2-0x0000C015 error code in particular, would you please try the following troubleshooting steps according to your console to see if it prevents this disconnection from the server from happening again? -

PS4 - https://ubi.li/12soI
PS5 - https://ubi.li/JE6K7
Xbox One - https://ubi.li/6L9Js
XBSX/S - https://ubi.li/55G8e

In case this was caused by any degradation that has affected a few players, please make sure to check these websites also, should this error code pop up again -

Siege server status - https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/status/
PlayStation server status - https://status.playstation.com/en-GB/
Xbox server status - https://support.xbox.com/xbox-live-status?xr=shellnav
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
No worries samppa10s, I'm glad to hear that this was a one time occurrence for you and thank you for the update. If there is anything ls we can help you with feel free to post in a new thread.