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I saw a post in R6 news from April 2018 about a "tactical board." I've found evidence online that it was a thing in like 2016 but not much past that, and the given site doesn't work. Anybody know anything about this or how to acces the tactical board or "whiteboard"?
about 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Velcin_Void
I saw a post in R6 news from April 2018 about a "tactical board." I've found evidence online that it was a thing in like 2016 but not much past that, and the given site doesn't work. Anybody know anything about this or how to acces the tactical board or "whiteboard"?
Hi Velcin_Void, welcome to the forums!

The whiteboard is a thing, but there's currently an issue with logging in so you might have trouble accessing it.
about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
A tactical map within the game would be pretty neat, though I am not certain how much it would actually be used, especially when queuing with strangers. Do you guys think this would be a tool to use when waiting to load in? Or something that could be pulled at any point during the game?
about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by FindFixFinish
An in-game tactics board wouldn't be as useful as a tactics planner that can be used on any device. Siege is too fast-paced to plan tactics while play is ongoing. Alright, I suppose it's possible to plan during play. Except probably not for enough players so as to make it worthwhile, bearing in mind that the whiteboard seemingly didn't have the enduring popularity that justified its upkeep.

But an app that players could engage with outside of Siege and that could also be used across other Ubisoft titles would be more worthwhile.

I think the most important part of any planner is that your whole team can log into it at the same time and edit it at any time.
So it would be fairly similar to what the Tactical Board already does, but you would like it to be an app? You should be able to view the Tactical Board website on any device, and also invite friends to collab on the board/make changes to the board in real-time.