about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
-4v5 if I'm lucky
Is this because someone leaves during the match? Or is it a 4v5 before you even load into the match?

one useless toxic teammate with 0 kills and 4 deaths who does literally nothing other than spamming "gg noob team"
-another useless teammate with 0 kills and 4 teamkilling the useless toxic teammate for being toxic and only making things worse
You should be reporting these players with the in-game Griefing button. I apologize for the overall negative experience with Ranked. I have made note of the recent increase in reports of leavers, especially within Ranked matches.
about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
It often happened to me that matches started as 4v5, literally from the very first second
Did you previously cancel matchmaking before this match?
If a player cancels the ranked queue at the moment the blue bar appears, the match will start without a full lobby it seems.