over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by MasterDClone: So your telling me that if in a ranked game my teammate take out all 3 of my frost traps then caps me in the last round of a ranked game i get punished for leaving the game instead of sitting there my griefing team lose on their own

Hey Master!

It sounds like you encountered toxic teammates that ruined your gaming experience. We know how angering that can be when all you want to do is play a game. Our team is still looking at new and additional ways to remove this kind of behavior from our game, and until we announce new ways to counter it, your best course of action is to report these individuals using the in-game tools provided, and cutting off communication with them so that their behavior doesn't force you to take an abandon sanction by leaving. Don't give them the satisfaction of you leaving next time, that's what they want you to do!