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Here you can find the fixes for the Y9S4.2 patch.
Y9S4.2 PATCH SIZE Find the download sizes for each platform below.
- Ubisoft Connect: 1.58 GB
- Steam: 1.3 GB
- Xbox One: 1.73 GB
- Xbox Series X: 1.87 GB
- PlayStation®4: 2.27 GB
- PlayStation®5: 1.53 GB
- Reduced recovery time when dashing to 0.2 seconds (from 0.5).
- Reduced recovery time when dashing against a wall to 0.3 seconds (from 0.5).
- Reduced recovery time when dashing against an enemy to 0.1 seconds (from 0.5).
- Removed Nitro Cell.
- Added Barbed Wire.
- Mines' refill time increased to 30 seconds (from 25).
- Reduced max. mines to 8 (from 9).
- Removed Hard Breach Charge.
- Added Claymore.
- Removed ITA12S.
- Reduced Health to 2 (from 3) and increased Speed to 2 (from 1).
- Damage: 75hp (from 63).
- Reduced vertical recoil.
- Reduced lateral recoil.
- Slug's destruction reduced.
- Slug Shotguns' damage drop off start at 15 meters (from 25).
- Slug Shotguns' damage drop off end at 25 meters (from 35).
- Slug Shotguns' damage drop off minimum to 60% (from 70).
FIXED - Observation Tools have no signal when deployed on the edge of any surface if the player is moving sideways.
LEVEL DESIGN FIXED - Red walls denoting defender area restrictions can be vaulted through during the end of the Preparation Phase.
FIXED - Operators are able to move on top of a shed after standing on a bench and forcing collision with a garden gnome in the EXT APC Area on the House map.
FIXED - Hatch isn't completely destroyed by explosions in 1F Lounge on the Kanal map.
FIXED - Players can move on top of a vending machine using Azami's Kiba Barrier in 2F Break room on the Border map.
OPERATORS FIXED - Blackbeard's Breach ability can be used while in guard break in a specific timing.
FIXED - Rappel hook remains in player's hand after using Ash's Breaching Round while rappelling.
FIXED - Blackbeard's primary weapons statistics compare to the H.U.L.L Deployable Shield instead of each other.
FIXED - Blackbeard's MK17 CQB's iron sight clips through the player camera while aiming down sight.
FIXED - "Additional Magazines" and "Magazine Size" are listed as "0" in the Blackbeard's Loadout menu.
FIXED - Bullet damage disappears from Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Deployable Shield when Blackbeard aims down sights.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Deployable Shield breaks guard when Blackbeard dashes and is hit with a melee attack at the same time.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Deployable Shield and equipped weapon isn't highlighted when Blackbeard spawns on the map when viewed in caster mode.
FIXED - "Enter" prompt allows Osa to breach undamaged barricades while rappelling with the Talon-8 Clear Shield equipped.
USER EXPERIENCE FIXED - Tachanka's Elite Slava Korolyu skin isn't available in the Weapon Skins menu for the Bearing 9 Machine Pistol.
FIXED - Breach Charge information hasn't been updated to reflect current season changes in the Battle Pass menu.
AUDIO FIXED - Blackbeard's sprint SFX is out of sync with the animation.