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As the title says. From outside, what is supposed to break Mira's windows?

What I can confirm does break them:

Hibana pellets
Thermite charges
Ash launcher rounds
Meleeing that "secret" spot (obviously a bug, I know)

The only 2 I'm sure are supposed to break it are Hibana and Thermite. I also know that Twitch's drone can shoot the canister from inside, which is interesting as it appears to just be a metal canister with no electronic parts. So I'd like confirmation that that's intentional.

Side note, C4 doesn't break the glass from either side.

PS- The things that maybe could break it that I haven't had a chance to test yet:

Sledge hammer
Breach charge
Frag grenade?
Impact grenade?
Glaz's gun?
about 8 years ago - Ubi-Surulies - Direct link
Hello all!

This is a known issue we're currently investigating.
