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In Pro League, there are tactical pauses where when called the game is paused for some time allowing each team to talk to each other about possible improvements they could make or quickly develop counter strategies based on the other team's plays.

This feature would work similarly to surrendering, in where one player clicks a button named "Tactical Pause" under the surrender button in the menu and a vote is initiated. All 5 players must consent to the tactical pause for it to be scheduled. Of course having tactical pauses right in the middle of games would be unfair, so once a tactical pause vote passes, it will be scheduled for the next operator selection phase where both teams will be given a 45 second break. Each team will have 1 or 2 tactical pauses per match. If both teams have a tactical pause scheduled, only the first team who passed a tactical pause will lose a tactical pause while the other team will retain theirs. Tactical pauses should only be a thing in the ranked and unranked playlists, as in quick match you're pretty much just messing around most of the time anyway or, well, playing casually where strategy doesn't matter too much.

I feel like this could add a lot to ranked play and make it more, well, based on actual strategy and adaptation without discussing it in the middle of a round or in the very short period you have during operator selection. It would especially help in 5 stacks.
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by skills.peek
In Pro League, there are tactical pauses where when called the game is paused for some time allowing each team to talk to each other about possible improvements they could make or quickly develop counter strategies based on the other team's plays.

This feature would work similarly to surrendering, in where one player clicks a button named "Tactical Pause" under the surrender button in the menu and a vote is initiated. All 5 players must consent to the tactical pause for it to be scheduled. Of course having tactical pauses right in the middle of games would be unfair, so once a tactical pause vote passes, it will be scheduled for the next operator selection phase where both teams will be given a 45 second break. Each team will have 1 or 2 tactical pauses per match. If both teams have a tactical pause scheduled, only the first team who passed a tactical pause will lose a tactical pause while the other team will retain theirs. Tactical pauses should only be a thing in the ranked and unranked playlists, as in quick match you're pretty much just messing around most of the time anyway or, well, playing casually where strategy doesn't matter too much.

I feel like this could add a lot to ranked play and make it more, well, based on actual strategy and adaptation without discussing it in the middle of a round or in the very short period you have during operator selection. It would especially help in 5 stacks.
I really like this conceptually, but do you think that, if implemented, it would become another source of griefing for folks that aren't in 5-stacks?