10 months
ago -
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Hello there, thank you for getting in touch with Ubisoft Support.
Unfortunately, as mentioned in our Terms of Us, available here[legal.ubi.com], in particular, section 2.2 states that your account is your responsibility.
"Account Safety. Any use of your Account with your password, in particular any purchase of Services, will be deemed to be carried out by you.
To ensure your Account safety:
a) Choose a strong alphanumeric password. For security reasons, we may refuse any password that isn’t strong enough to protect your Account.
b) Choose a password that is different from any other password you use; and change it on a regular basis.
c) Activate the 2-Step Verification and any other safety options we may provide in your Account settings.
d) Never share your Account details (username, password…) with anyone. We will never ask you to reveal your password.
e) Never authorize anyone to access and/or use your Account."
You can still try to submit a ban appeal, by getting in touch with our email team however we can't guarantee that it will be lifted.
- Ubisoft Support
Unfortunately, as mentioned in our Terms of Us, available here[legal.ubi.com], in particular, section 2.2 states that your account is your responsibility.
"Account Safety. Any use of your Account with your password, in particular any purchase of Services, will be deemed to be carried out by you.
To ensure your Account safety:
a) Choose a strong alphanumeric password. For security reasons, we may refuse any password that isn’t strong enough to protect your Account.
b) Choose a password that is different from any other password you use; and change it on a regular basis.
c) Activate the 2-Step Verification and any other safety options we may provide in your Account settings.
d) Never share your Account details (username, password…) with anyone. We will never ask you to reveal your password.
e) Never authorize anyone to access and/or use your Account."
You can still try to submit a ban appeal, by getting in touch with our email team however we can't guarantee that it will be lifted.
- Ubisoft Support