Original Post — Direct link
First of all let me say that I was grateful for getting South African servers when they were released. It seemed great at the time, but now I am unable to find a match.

My brother lives in the UAE and he can't find a match on the Asian servers. We used to happily play together on the weu servers until you patched it.

Now neither of us can find matches or play together anymore, and we are having to find a new game together.

I think you are shooting yourself in the foot with region lock on consoles, as people outside the US and EU will just give up. I have been sitting for AN HOUR trying to find a match this morning and there is nothing. No ranked, no quick match, nothing.

Please at least put some logic into your Matchmaking, where if we can't find a match within 10 minutes it switches over to the next closest server. I would rather play with the handicap of high ping than not play at all.
over 4 years ago - UbiFate - Direct link
Hey DuctileRocket, welcome to the forums! I'm sorry to hear you have had trouble finding matches since the ability to change servers on console was patched. The ability to change servers manually was never intended on console, so this patch was just to ensure this was reflected. That being said, I will add this feedback to my report for the devs!