over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Sgt.Shadow: Ubi rep said this:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Hey Sgt, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Quick Match map rotation.

I know how frustrating it is for you to feel like you don't have control over which maps you play on. All players have preferences when it comes to maps, and this week, especially we've seen a ton of community members voice their frustration for the lack of House and Plane in the newest rotation.

We've been keeping track of all threads this week discussing the rotation, so we'll be adding this to the list as well and sending it to the developer team. Unfortunately, we don't have anything to share at the moment when it comes to bringing all maps back, but if we get something, we'll make sure the community is up to speed.

That's a start. At least the devs will be aware of this. (I hope)

Thanks for posting my reply here Sgt, I appreciate it! Adding this thread to the list as well.