almost 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Hey Ankk, thanks for sharing your Ranked solo queue experience with us.

Solo queuing in Ranked can be one of the most frustrating things since you never know if the players you get are going to contribute or give proper call-outs. Keep in mind that Clearance Level doesn't equate to skill and doesn't play a factor in the matchmaking system.

If you find yourself losing multiple Ranked games in a row and you're getting frustrated, the best course of action would be to walk away from your computer for a while to recharge and come back with a fresh and positive mindset. Since solo queuing is a flip of the coin on whether you're going to get good teammates or not, you should join the R6 Discord. In there, you can hop into a voice call with Silvers, Golds, Plats, etc and 5 stack that way!