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Just played a ranked game where there were two players with the exact same name. They kept killing each other every round but never got kicked. First how is it possible, on Xbox, for two people to even have the same name? And when they killed each other how come they never got kicked?
over 5 years ago - Ubiflowessence - Direct link
Thanks for sharing this guys! If you come across something like this again, feel free to report it here to be looked into >> http://ubi.li/4kax2

As far as team killing, we are currently testing our reverse friendly fire system. "The goal of this system is to contain the impact of players abusing the friendly fire mechanic, while maintaining a degree of flexibility for accidents. We will collect data and feedback from both ranked and casual playlists on the Test Server, and iterate before releasing it live."

You can read more about it here >> https://ubi.li/9wd6z