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so i was palying a ranked rainbow six siege game...and i had a player named *username removed* can't tell if it was uiran or uLran , anyway what what happen , is i unloaded a whole magazin in his chest while he was running forward me..+ mira also shoot him ...0 dmg man 0..his ping was 170..for a sec there..its like he had god mode?? are you fking kidding me? are you fking kiding me? i want that player to be baned..no i dont have footage who the fk record a game everytime he plays? but seriosly man ?? he has god mode because of huge ping or something?
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
Originally Posted by Bad-A_MO-FO
Now do we know for a fact they are working on it or are they “working on it”?
They are working on it. I can't really give details, but I do know they have been consulting with Microsoft on this.
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
Originally Posted by Bad-A_MO-FO
And Sony or just Microsoft?
I don't have all of the info, I just know they've been working with 3rd parties to assist on this.

It's something the team is taking seriously, that was what I wanted to clarify.