about 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally posted by Whisky: I want to play ranked so I can get fair matches and stop getting stomped by plat and gold smurfs in unranked. But I'm not touching Ranked with a 10 foot pole until Ubisoft disbands matches that don't start with all 10 players, and lessens the mmr loss for losing with less than 5 players (perhaps 25% mmr reduction bonus per player missing on your team). Too many times I've heard horror stories of 1v5s or 2v5s before the ban phase even finishes.

Stop matches from starting without all 10 players. Double or triple mmr loss penalties for those who leave mid match. This is not rocket science. This is supposed to be the most competitive game mode in your game so do it right.
This is an issue the team is investigating currently. I apologize for the negative experience and can understand it can be quite frustrating and unfair to you.