It's nothing new, everyone's already aware but it just irks me how some players are just such poor sports.
I'm not even talking about trash talking, team killing, etc because at least there's non toxic ways to deal with that stuff, but how do you deal with someone who quits a game the second they're DBNO?
Frost players, Caviera players, even Maestro players or anyone whose ever been about to get a kill with a shield bash, all these people, I feel like, know what I'm talking about.
An enemy player gets downed as a result by you, and before you can collect on an honest and rightful kill, they just leave the game.
These kinds of players irk me because they actively rob players of kills that they worked for and for what reason? Doubly vexing is the fact that outside of ranked theres no real way to punish that behavior.
In quick match a player can just leave and immediately que for a new game. In ranked a player can quit and rejoin the match. And while it is poor sportsmanship I'm not even sure it's something you can report a player for.
Just truly irksome, and I wish there were something we could do about it.
I'm not even talking about trash talking, team killing, etc because at least there's non toxic ways to deal with that stuff, but how do you deal with someone who quits a game the second they're DBNO?
Frost players, Caviera players, even Maestro players or anyone whose ever been about to get a kill with a shield bash, all these people, I feel like, know what I'm talking about.
An enemy player gets downed as a result by you, and before you can collect on an honest and rightful kill, they just leave the game.
These kinds of players irk me because they actively rob players of kills that they worked for and for what reason? Doubly vexing is the fact that outside of ranked theres no real way to punish that behavior.
In quick match a player can just leave and immediately que for a new game. In ranked a player can quit and rejoin the match. And while it is poor sportsmanship I'm not even sure it's something you can report a player for.
Just truly irksome, and I wish there were something we could do about it.