Original Post — Direct link
how its game pay to wins good question of say about everytime ubiosft copy from old operators abillty and make new operators more better abilty than old operators but almost same abillty

Pay to wins

Kaid copy bandit abillty and kaid have better abillty than bandit pay to wins and sametime kaid kill bandit

clash kill montage you know why clash can shot tazer and in full shield but montage cant not do it pay to wins

Maestro kill Mira rason Maestro have cemera with shield and can sametime se eanmy and shot enamy but mira can only se enamy

its game have no compete balance and pay to wins like from asian csgo pay to wins

almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
Thanks for sharing your thoughts BlackBeardNerf,

I'd like to offer a few counterpoints to your claims:

1.) Though Kaid and Bandit have gadgets that electrify objects, they function in different ways that allow them to serve similar but different purposes. For example, Kaid cannot "Bandit trick" a surface, which can be a very strong counter to a hardbreacher in many scenarios. They also have different loadouts and armor/speed ratings to consider — someone may prefer Bandit for his speed advantage.

2.) Clash and Montagne both have full-sized shields but they work very differently. Clash cannot fold her shield to use a secondary weapon while still protected, Montagne has the ability to engage with a firearm without exposing himself completely. Montagne also has a distinct advantage over Clash in that his extended shield cannot be knocked back by anything besides a disorienting effect, Clash can be overwhelmed by melee strikes.

3.) Mira and Maestro are completely different operators with very different gadgets, I don't see the comparison there at all. Mira and Maestro are also both DLC operators, so this doesn't add anything to your argument about Pay-to-Win.
almost 6 years ago - Zoro - Direct link
Originally Posted by BlackBeardNerf-
Shhhhhh ok ubiosft many people say kiad kill bandit
Yes, people say lots of things on the internet. I personally think "Kaid killed Bandit" is more of a meme than a reality.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-P4in - Direct link
Let's keep it civil. No need for the insults.

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