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So this is probably the stupidest thing the balance team has ever done. She was hard nerfed for a reason and bringing her back to her prime just means they want her to op again.

They literally just nerfed the F2 several times because they understood that a high rof and low recoil gun is broken. Hell with their arse backward logic we should reverse the rework for lion and give bb 150hp shields.

And before console players come up i play on console and do not want this.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
So this is probably the stupidest thing the balance team has ever done. She was hard nerfed for a reason and bringing her back to her prime just means they want her to op again.

They literally just nerfed the F2 several times because they understood that a high rof and low recoil gun is broken. Hell with their arse backward logic we should reverse the rework for lion and give bb 150hp shields.

And before console players come up i play on console and do not want this.
Hey there!

So in regards to Ela's buff, is there any particular reason why you feel this shouldn't have been done?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sgt Astor
God please not SMG12.
Personally, I adored the SMG 12 because of how it absolutely shredded people, it was one of my favorite weapons in the game!.. but I know how unbalanced it was. The SMG 12 will never be in that state again.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Let's try and stay on topic with the Ela buff, the thread has started to derail just a tad. Ela's gun has definitely seen a ton of changes since her introduction. The developers know how strong she was when she first came out, and this new buff is in no way them trying to bring her back to that state. With that being said, her weapon is absolutely much stronger now with the first 16 shots buffed, so we'll continue to monitor the situation.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
Except they literally said in patch notes that yes they know shes strong but they want to bring her back closer to her prime. So which is it honestly with the mods track record of being in complete opposite of the devs im gonna assume the devs want ela to op.

Ela is a very popular Operator who suffers from a previous SMG recoil increase. Even if she remains decent in terms of Presence and Win Delta, we would like to bring her closer to her prime by improving the handling of the Scorpion EVO 3.

Hell if thats the case bring back jagers and banditos acog. Obviously the devs wanna go back on justified nerfs. Ohh while we're at it why not bring back release day bb.
Before the buff, Ela's Scorpion had one of the most unpredictable recoil patterns in the game. It's true that the dev blog says they want to bring her "closer to her prime", however, that statement only applies to the first 16 shots of her mag, and even those shots aren't how they were when she was first released. After that 16th shot leaves the chamber, it's back to the wild recoil pattern it had before the buff.