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Hi! Is your question is about Rating PVP?
Originally posted by tomjo66: No my question is, How can you matchmake a person in pvp Level 12 member against a level 55 member.If we are talking about matchmaking in the Ratings, then there is a matchmaking with an opponent not according to the strength of the squad in rating battles, but according to the public rating.
Originally posted by tomjo66: No I had not gotten that far in the Campaign you have a pvp option mission in the campaign. I just saw the level of the guy I met he was level 55 and I was level 10. So he had all kinds of development, laser rifels you name it. And I had a squad with guns with max 3-5 damage, he had guns that one shot me. The mission is called the the Scrambling.In matchmaking, it's not the level that decides. There the strength of the squad matters, which develops depending on the equipment of the fighter.
Originally posted by tomjo66:Hi! Did you send us bugreport to check everything?Originally posted by vadevski: In matchmaking, it's not the level that decides. There the strength of the squad matters, which develops depending on the equipment of the fighter.Hi again tested the calibration missions, I meet with my team of new ensigns, max armor 6 and max health 10, a guy Who was 4th in the Iron league, This was my 5th calibration and ended up at 256 something in rank. The guys soldiers had 15 in health and 12 in armor, plus laser weapons that one shot my guys. He was level 65, I was 21. So but my team was only ensign when I meet his fully euquiped team and I guess since his team had his 3rd class evolved that my team should should have meet his team, and no i did not use the check box I dont care for the risk. You have to do machmaking better. This is not cool.
Before matchmaking, it's written that the search is for the closest opponent in strength. It's clear that he is unlikely to find a direct equal opponent now, but it's unlikely to have a colossal advantage.
Players often look at the opponent's level, which is a mistake.
Originally posted by tomjo66: How do I send you a bug report? The guy is ranked as a champion now;)Please send any bugs and oddities directly from the game to us using the CTRL + ALT + B button combination. Screenshot and log files will be added automatically. We'll check everything.