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It has been mentioned before but I think it needs to be again. The movement speed needs to be increased to at least a fast walk. In a CQB environment there are times where a faster dynamic entry needs to be made. When I flashbang a room I want to move in quickly and take out any threats. Moving slowly I feel kind of defeats the purpose in certain situations.

Taking cover or repositioning is also another issue as well. If I’m getting shot I’m not going to slowly walk behind a wall or something. When I’m trying to flank a suspect I need to be able to get around a wall or whatever quickly to get a good shot.

I still feel adding a sprint option would have players just running around the map like COD. I mean most seem to wonder off on their own as it is just at a slower pace. Just some of my feelings on the movement that I think would help with having options on breaching rooms. I can dynamically breach and enter quickly or deliberately pie the room at a slower pace.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by NorthKoreaSpitFire

I think it would be cool to have speed of moving just like in ArmA Reforger where you can increase or decrease moving speed with middle mouse button

We had this for a while but unfortunately most of not all players really just moved at the fastest or the slowest without using much in between. However it’s a very cool feature in Reforger and in other games, too. I just don’t see it finding a place in RoN again right now. :(