Original Post — Direct link

“We know players are eagerly awaiting improvements to the AI; as some users are aware we have been showing off a few hints through other channels, however when we are ready we will release a devlog showing these updates in detail. We are currently working on improving overall AI appearance when moving and shooting, changing how AI perceive and engage with the player with variables for most suspect actions to give modders the flexibility they need.

Animations for weapon raising, aiming, and detection are being adjusted as well, leading to AI being required to slow down and aim directly at the player to be more lethal with their shot placement. We are excited to showcase these changes and many more exciting ones shortly before the Adam update is dropped.”

  • VOID Interactive

Source: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1144200/view/3383918700639680471

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over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by randir14

I think having every enemy slow down to aim is going too far in the opposite direction. They should mix it up by also giving them a chance to hip fire with an accuracy penalty.

Oh they still can fire from the hip. Don’t worry we still want the game to be difficult. This mitigates a lot of the snapping and stuff you see in the existing build.