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Straight up getting penalties on excessive use of force when the perp is pointing and shouldering an RPD at me yelling "you'll never take me", just because I pulled the trigger first. All of this is after I gave a command to surrender.

Am I *supposed* to shoot second in every situation? I don't have proof but observationally it feels like I'm getting excessive use of force penalty on any perp that did not shoot first. No matter how threatening their actions are to me.

I know the snap firing issue is well known now, but right now, unless you're carrying a non-lethal, if you have the drop on a perp (like their back is to you) there's no guaranteed way to neutralize a perp without either taking an excessive use of force penalty, or ordering surrender and hoping your kevlar tanks their shot before you're "allowed" to shoot back.

Another fun situation is when you stun a perp (flash, gas, stinger, etc) and they're stuck in a stun animation and they refuse to comply to surrender while still holding a weapon. I'll smack them with my weapon, yelling at them to get down: nothing, they remain in the stun animation until it completes.

The first thing they do after recovering from stun is pull the trigger on me. It's a perfect situation to non-lethally arrest a perp, but right now the AI isn't giving us a good chance to. IRL I would be able to tackle them down, and remove the weapon from them. But the game doesn't yet have the systems to do this UNLESS they of course willfully surrender which then opens up the Arrest. So there's a gap there that I hope is eventually added.

Note: It was just my one friend and I yesterday trying out the new update when this behavior was observed. I'm not sure if the AI moral system is weighted or scaled based on how many officers are around them. Maybe their moral is staying high because there's only 2 of us? If so, while I can understand that, it needs to be scaled or something otherwise it punishes small lobbies. Right now I only have one friend to play with, which I know is not a lot, but that shouldn't punish us. This is yet another reason that small lobbies should be given control of an AI SWAT team of 2. Considering solo provides you with 4 AI SWAT, human teams of 2 and 3 really should be provided with some form of AI contingent to help with moral intimidation if that's truly how the system works.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by DangerClose567

Oh for sure I don't doubt this is something they'll address, fast even.

I just don't recall it being like this prior to the latest content drop. The AI overhaul doesn't surprise me that it made some things wonky

We will be working on it for sure. Thanks for the feedback.