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I just wanted to make a post of collective issues that I've noticed and see if anyone else had the same issues or issues they'd want to add to the list, so here we go!

  1. Grenades don't work the majority of the time, specifically flashbangs. They seem to go off right at a suspects feet or within the same room and rarely affect them. I find I am and my teammates are more susceptible to being affected by flashbangs even through walls compared to suspects.
  2. There are times when bullets don't seem to connect with suspects. I've aimed at suspects square in the chest and fired off shots meticulously with a 4x scope and not connected any of the shots. It was easier to notice on gas station with the suspects and their bright yellow sweaters. A knife suspect ran at me from across the restaurant, I fired 10 shots while he ran at me and none of them connected, I had to empty the rest of my clip before only 2 shots connected.
  3. Suspects turning rapidly and hitting you with a shot the moment you yell for compliance. It's been an issue for awhile but they shouldn't be able to turn and shoot accurately before your sentence is even finished.
  4. When suspects engage you the first areas to get hit the majority of the time are legs and arms. It doesn't really make much sense considering your torso would be a lot easier to hit and more than likely where people would aim to kill you. I've also been injured in the legs when the bottom half of my body isn't even visible to the suspect which doesn't make sense. This also means the difference in wearing Heavy body armor vs Light body armor doesn't really make a difference.
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over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

So, #3 is a big thing that should be resolved by april. Turn in place for ai is a big focus, its not particularly difficult to add theres just a lot of other anim stuff were needing to do as well. Should alleviate those issues!