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The game doesn't really specify how much these help or if they negatively impact your weapon. They also seem a bit pointless since any breaching or banging will give you away, not to mention suspects firing back at you. Is there any good reason to use or not use these?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by YODEADGUY

I have not seen anything in my gameplay time to suggest you lose damage from using a silencer. I want to say recoil feels better but I haven't sat down and tested it to see if it's that much of a difference.

on hostage rescue silencers are a necessity due to the fact any sound alerts the enemies to kill the hostages. the one thing I do see them help with is if you silently enter a room and take out the people in the room without them firing first, it won't alert the people in the next room over. That being said, the AI is very quick to shoot you. Only way silencers benefit in my opinion is if you're doing hostage rescue and are able to one tap EVERYONE you see until you reach the hostage room, then you can flash/stinger breach that room.

As a side note for some suppressors I believe the damage is slightly buffed, but i dont think it makes a huge difference.