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about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by rayven99

No, it makes sense, I just wish the game registered that they fire shots at you better.

Yeah we're definitely gonna make some improvements to this because it does happen a lot. Honestly it'll probably come with a lot of our larger changes (to AI stuff) vs. just being patched for now. Sit tight!

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Is it possible to make it so yelling is proximity based rather than having direct line of sight between suspect and player? You should be able to yell around corners/doors/objects without putting yourself at risk while waiting for compliance

Yeah totally! Yelling in general is gonna get a few things added/fixed. I don't believe this will be for the next update. It's already looking incredibly meaty, but some of the things we came into early access with (like yelling and grenades) are gonna get big reworks that improve their functionality and purpose.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

I just coomed

Well spoon it back in because it might take a bit of time!

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Is the next update gonna be meaty? Or the early access list? Cause i understand that the latter being meaty just means more time in EA or cutting things :(.

Our next update is gonna be meaty unless we cut it into a few smaller ones. I know many in the community want this it just depends on, well, code and design dependencies. Unless something catches us by surprise, we aren't gonna cut anything in the game, just improve and add!

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Also i think it sucks that u were forced to put the game on steam. Now if theres ever a dependency that forces a full rework of the engine/main code, its hard to do without people complaining about a lack of frequent updates. So i feel for you having to squeeze changes without being able to rework things to too much of an extent

I mean it worked out for us! So that's ok. But we wont be reworking any core architecture. :)