almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Tynan - Direct link
Another day, another hotfix! This is build 1.1.2560.

Side note: There were some recent major changes in a few key mods, so there are still some mods with compatibility problems with each other. More info on this in the last hotfix update and a writeup from the author of the Harmony mod. Let's give them a few days to get things settled!

This hotfix is small. Its primary purpose is to fix a bug that would cause mechanoid clusters to never be defeated if you saved and reloaded the game after the associated quest arrived but before accepting it. I just wanted to get this out quickly since while this bug is rare, it is quite annoying when it occurs.

If this bug affected your savegame, you can defeat any existing broken mech clusters like so:
  1. Turn on development mode in the options menu
  2. Look in the quests menu at the quest that won't end
  3. Turn on the checkbox "Dev: Debug" under the quest description.
  4. Scroll down.
  5. To the right of the 'send signal' box, click the '...' button. Select the entry similar to Quest0.cluster.AllEnemiesDefeated.
  6. Turn off development mode in the options menu.
Change list:

- Fixed a bug that would cause mechanoid clusters to never be defeated if you saved and reloaded the game after the associated quest arrived but before accepting it.
- Languages update
- Updated Readme.txt with information about needing quotes around the -savedatafolder command when the path has spaces.
- Fixed a bug that would cause trade request quests imported from 1.0 saves to give no rewards.
- Fixed a bug that would cause no psyamp reward after quests if the recieved was not spawned.
- Fixed a bug that would cause random joining animals to have names despite having no bond.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a harmless error message on slaughtering a cobra

We will be fixing some more lingering issues over the coming week. Thanks for the great bug reports.