about 7 years
ago -
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We'll be closing sales for to the Backstory-in-Game package and Pirate King packages on November 7, 2017. The Name-in-game package will remain on sale. Anyone who already purchased any of these packages won't be affected, only new sales will be closed.
I'm closing these sales because the game is maturing and it's coming to the right time to make the content final. In addition, closing these will free up more time for us to work on the game itself.
Thanks everyone for all the great content submitted over the last few years! As any player can tell you, it's really enriched the game.
I'm closing these sales because the game is maturing and it's coming to the right time to make the content final. In addition, closing these will free up more time for us to work on the game itself.
Thanks everyone for all the great content submitted over the last few years! As any player can tell you, it's really enriched the game.