Hi. First and foremost, thank you all so much for jumping into the 1.0 Update. It has been a ton of fun for the team to watch streams, read reviews, hang out in the Discord, and even hop in some multiplayer games with the community.
Since the update on Tuesday, we’ve been working and compiling the first targeted hotfix patch. There will also be another more comprehensive patch to follow, as with all of our previous Content Updates. Apparently, the game is not perfect. This is a collection of community responses and feedback from a variety of channels - keep 'em coming!
=== What We’re Workin On ===Some of the things we’re checking out right now are:• Players are getting marooned on a remote island on the final stage.
This has been addressed in a hotfix today.• Players can create infinite loops with Forgive Me Please and Soulbound Catalyst.
This has been addressed in a hotfix today.• The Server Browser has some issues with filters not filtering
• The Loader’s Thunder Gauntlet and Merc’s Blinding Assault is behaving a bit different than before the patch
• Scrap and Lunar Cauldrons have a weird interaction, where it takes more scrap than you have
Some things we’re keeping an eye on:• LAST BOSS SPOILERS: We’re really happy with the difficulty of the final boss, but some players are feeling frustrated with the last phase. Our intent was for that phase to be a bit of an “oh crap” moment, and to have some unique edge cases from item interactions Our intent was not for players to avoid good items, destroy their own build, or to feel bad for picking up powerful items. If that seems to be the best strategy, we will be changing the last phase appropriately. It is not intended to be the most challenging phase of the fight.
• Merc players feel that the base stat hits were a bit too harsh. We want to give the community enough time to learn the changes - and potentially to change item priorities - but we’re watching this as well.
• Keeping an eye on overall balance for some of the changes we made to survivors and items, and make sure everything is still fun to play.
• Players wished for more skill variants and lore entries - and felt bamboozled when they weren’t there for 1.0. We wanted to highlight that feedback here, since it’s totally legitimate and we’re listening.
• Players want to know what’s coming after 1.0! While we’re totally exhausted getting 1.0 up and done, we still have plans for RoR2 in the future.
We will absolutely be supporting RoR2 after 1.0, and we’ll have some big blog posts about it once we’re ready to share.
If there are things you feel we missed or should be looked at, please leave us a comment here and we will check them out. As always, thanks again for your support and patience as we work out the kinks!
-Hopoo Games