8 days
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Hello again everyone! The second phase of our Seekers of the Storm improvement roadmap is here and ready to play on all platforms! With this one, we’re making some sweeping improvements to The False Son’s boss fight.

You can see the detailed update notes HERE but I'll give you a quick rundown too. The changes go beyond just simple cosmetic improvements so I'd highly recommend just jumping in and giving it a try.
For those of you who want to know what we’ve changed, read on!

False Son Boss Fight
We’ve made significant improvements to every aspect of the False Son encounter. While we have changed the fight so there are (hopefully) no more “what just happened??” moments - the fight is far from a pushover. So players should still find False Son quite a challenge; but a fairer one.
One of the biggest updates we have made is improving the False Son’s Laser and arena cover significantly. The laser damage has also been re-balanced to ramp up quickly but still give you time to either get to - or move between - cover.

The difficulty scaling of False Son has been changed so that the fight is an appropriate level of challenge regardless of when you decide to travel to Prime Meridian. This includes (but isn't limited to) giving him Adaptive Armor, similar to Mithrix and Voidling, so he should still be challenging pre-loop, but will no longer be one-shot-able after looping!
On top of those mechanical changes, we’ve also improved False Son’s animations and transitions. These will now better telegraph attacks across every phase of the fight. The goal of this change is to make his attacks a tad more predictable. You should now run into far fewer attacks that are a complete surprise and have more time to react to difficult situations.

Audio and Visual effects have been added to every different False Son ability. Again this is to better communicate to players which of his abilities he has just used or is about to use.
We’ve improved his AI so he will smoothly navigate around the arena. This should lead to far less… unexpected behavior 👀

We have reduced the amount of Golem spawns during the fight (now capped at 5 maximum active at a time). During longer encounters you should no longer start getting overwhelmed with extra enemies. But, you’ll still have enough golems to take advantage of the on-kill items you’ve collected on your run.
Last but by no means least, we have added a secret way of entering the Path of the Colossus. This puts entering the path back in your control so you don't feel pressured to make this choice on stage one. This will allow players to gear up a bit more before taking on the challenge of the False Son Boss. I won't spoil this secret entry here - happy hunting!

Seekers of the Storm Item Balancing
I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has given us feedback following the Phase One item changes, and especially all of you that filled in the feedback survey for this update! This has allowed us to make some informed balance changes to these items.
Based on your feedback, it sounds like most of the item changes landed in a good place. But, for some items, perhaps we went a little too far with buffing them. While strong items are undoubtedly fun, getting high level player-power every single run ultimately takes away from some of the fun and unpredictability in the game. With this in mind, we’ve made some targeted balances to the most powerful items for the full breakdown please check the update notes HERE. I'll summarise a couple of the biggest changes below:
Unstable Transmitter was probably the biggest jump in power, giving both one-shot protection and massive defensive utility on a relatively short cool-down. We’ve made this a once-per-stage effect – similar to items like Sale Star – and reduced the amount of barrier gained when triggered. We’ve also removed the one-shot protection so it no longer acts like an infinite Dios Best Friend anymore.

Elusive Antlers quickly became a fan favorite item. Everyone seemed to enjoy how it added some much needed movement speed into the item pool. However, the double-boost of speed from the passive increase, as well as collecting antler orbs for an easily maintained extra boost, made it way stronger than other speed items. To balance this we’ve removed the passive speed bonus. This should make it more of an actual choice against something like Goat Hoof. Players will now need to go orb-collecting to take advantage of this item.
There have been a few more balancing updates to some of the other SotS items - take a look at the update notes linked above to see all the changes.

Thank you all very much for sticking with us while we make these updates! Work is already underway on Phase Three, which is an update to each of the three playable survivors added with the DLC: Seeker, False Son & Chef. As always we will let you know when that update is ready to play!
All of these changes would not be possible without your feedback, so please keep it coming! The best place for that is on the Risk of Rain Discord. Please let us know what you think of this update!
Bye for now!
-The Risk of Rain Team

You can see the detailed update notes HERE but I'll give you a quick rundown too. The changes go beyond just simple cosmetic improvements so I'd highly recommend just jumping in and giving it a try.
For those of you who want to know what we’ve changed, read on!

False Son Boss Fight
We’ve made significant improvements to every aspect of the False Son encounter. While we have changed the fight so there are (hopefully) no more “what just happened??” moments - the fight is far from a pushover. So players should still find False Son quite a challenge; but a fairer one.
One of the biggest updates we have made is improving the False Son’s Laser and arena cover significantly. The laser damage has also been re-balanced to ramp up quickly but still give you time to either get to - or move between - cover.

The difficulty scaling of False Son has been changed so that the fight is an appropriate level of challenge regardless of when you decide to travel to Prime Meridian. This includes (but isn't limited to) giving him Adaptive Armor, similar to Mithrix and Voidling, so he should still be challenging pre-loop, but will no longer be one-shot-able after looping!
On top of those mechanical changes, we’ve also improved False Son’s animations and transitions. These will now better telegraph attacks across every phase of the fight. The goal of this change is to make his attacks a tad more predictable. You should now run into far fewer attacks that are a complete surprise and have more time to react to difficult situations.

Audio and Visual effects have been added to every different False Son ability. Again this is to better communicate to players which of his abilities he has just used or is about to use.
We’ve improved his AI so he will smoothly navigate around the arena. This should lead to far less… unexpected behavior 👀

We have reduced the amount of Golem spawns during the fight (now capped at 5 maximum active at a time). During longer encounters you should no longer start getting overwhelmed with extra enemies. But, you’ll still have enough golems to take advantage of the on-kill items you’ve collected on your run.
Last but by no means least, we have added a secret way of entering the Path of the Colossus. This puts entering the path back in your control so you don't feel pressured to make this choice on stage one. This will allow players to gear up a bit more before taking on the challenge of the False Son Boss. I won't spoil this secret entry here - happy hunting!

Seekers of the Storm Item Balancing
I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has given us feedback following the Phase One item changes, and especially all of you that filled in the feedback survey for this update! This has allowed us to make some informed balance changes to these items.
Based on your feedback, it sounds like most of the item changes landed in a good place. But, for some items, perhaps we went a little too far with buffing them. While strong items are undoubtedly fun, getting high level player-power every single run ultimately takes away from some of the fun and unpredictability in the game. With this in mind, we’ve made some targeted balances to the most powerful items for the full breakdown please check the update notes HERE. I'll summarise a couple of the biggest changes below:
Unstable Transmitter was probably the biggest jump in power, giving both one-shot protection and massive defensive utility on a relatively short cool-down. We’ve made this a once-per-stage effect – similar to items like Sale Star – and reduced the amount of barrier gained when triggered. We’ve also removed the one-shot protection so it no longer acts like an infinite Dios Best Friend anymore.

Elusive Antlers quickly became a fan favorite item. Everyone seemed to enjoy how it added some much needed movement speed into the item pool. However, the double-boost of speed from the passive increase, as well as collecting antler orbs for an easily maintained extra boost, made it way stronger than other speed items. To balance this we’ve removed the passive speed bonus. This should make it more of an actual choice against something like Goat Hoof. Players will now need to go orb-collecting to take advantage of this item.
There have been a few more balancing updates to some of the other SotS items - take a look at the update notes linked above to see all the changes.

Thank you all very much for sticking with us while we make these updates! Work is already underway on Phase Three, which is an update to each of the three playable survivors added with the DLC: Seeker, False Son & Chef. As always we will let you know when that update is ready to play!
All of these changes would not be possible without your feedback, so please keep it coming! The best place for that is on the Risk of Rain Discord. Please let us know what you think of this update!
Bye for now!
-The Risk of Rain Team