almost 4 years
ago -
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The goal of this minor patch is to address balance and bugs.

• Cleansing Pool
- Irradiant Pearl Chance: 4% ⇒ 20%
- Can no longer be pinged to reveal its contents
- Charge Buff Duration: 5s ⇒ 7s
- Updated Logbook description for more detailed explanation
- Armor Buff: 200 armor (66% damage reduction) ⇒ 100 armor (50% damage damage reduction)
- Developer Notes: Power Mode is gated behind a difficult challenge, but its current iteration is a bit too insane. Players should be motivated to leave Power Mode every now-and-then, and this is a safe way to make it less powerful while still keeping it fun.
• Update the rescue ship’s charging zone to be infinitely tall, i.e you can charge it while floating above
• Update escape portals from the final boss arena to be more portal-looking

• Fixed a crash during the last boss fight
• Fixed MUL-T not properly stopping its second primary in all cases when exiting Power Mode
• Fixed MUL-T’s Scrap Launcher not resetting its cooldown timer on firing, making it reload much faster
• Fixed MUL-T’s Power Saw behaving strangely with Power Mode, making it fire much slower
• Fixed stray nodes causing lockboxes to spawn midair on the final stage
• Fixed Bandit’s alternate skin not properly masking limbs for items
• Fixed Bandit’s secondary palette on character select not reflecting actual coloration
• Fixed Planula’s material not becoming invisible
• Fixed some incorrect icons displayed for pings/Radar Scanner
• Fixed Old Guillotine’s behavior for enemies with shields or barrier
• Fixed some typos in the logbook
• Fixed some typos in survivor skills
• Fixed Frost Relic applying its slow debuff even when inactive
• Fixed repeated jumping animations not being able to interrupt themselves
• Fixed Lunar Chimera (Exploder)’s icon changing with texture resolutions
• Fixed the stat screen’s pickups discovered category using achievements completed instead for its value
• Fixed Cleansing Pools not rerolling on purchase
• Fixed Deskplant and Mini Mushrum’s healing wards sometimes appearing underground
• Fixed the secret survivor dying instantly if she got the Perfected elite buff
• Fixed the tracking for the Mercenary: Flash of Blades challenge
• Fixed Loader’s Thunder Slam not working in conjunction with H3AD-ST
• Fixed Titans not showing their map-unique skins
• Fixed The Crowdfunder not working on characters without the display (i.e Heretic)
• Fixed Milky Chrysalis not working on characters without the display (i.e Heretic)
• Fixed AI sometimes getting position updates on invisible characters more frequently than intended
• Fixed drone AI following its leader too aggressively
• Updated outdated icons for Lunar Chimaera, friendly Beetle Guards, and achievements
• Updated item display on Bandit and Captain to properly display all items
• Updated Altered Siren’s Call very slightly to prevent clipping under certain terrain
• Updated Wetland Aspect with a geyser to prevent a softlock in Wetlands Aspect
• Updated some textures to better wrap on lower resolutions
• Updated Bandit with idle breathing animations
• Updated Magma Worm’s movement speed to be more consistent