almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Huntress - Direct link

And the Winner of the Survivor Vote Is...

The votes have been cast, and you’ve made your voices heard! This past week, we tasked you with an important decision--Risk of Rain 2’s next survivor--and you came out in droves. Some of you even got creative with your own campaigning!
After a whopping 124,000+ votes, we’re happy to announce that the survivor making its way to the 1.0 launch is…

A Brand New Survivor!

It looks like you, the amazing community, want something completely different and new! Actually, we were caught by surprise with this choice as we assumed it would be either CHEF or Sniper, but love that the community continues to push us in new directions! This is certainly exciting, and something that allows us to think creatively, in new and innovative ways! With this in mind, we are going to go to the drawing board to further flesh out what a potential new survivor could be. It is a fun challenge for us and we cannot wait to bring it to the 1.0 launch.

We’re excited to get a new survivor in for 1.0 launch, but if your fave didn’t win, don’t despair! Just as we mentioned last week, just because a character didn’t win, it doesn’t mean they’re out for good. We have lots to share with you about post-launch support soon, so look forward to that and your brand new survivor in the future. Once again, thanks for a fantastic year of Early Access! You made this happen, gang. <3
