Release Thread - How To Help

Our latest update (v2.49) is now live. This update prepares Rocket League for Season 18 which releases at 9am PT later today. Patch notes will be posted shortly after the Season is live.
This thread is an effort to get all reports for any new bugs into one place.

  • If you don't see the update available to download yet, please restart EGS, Steam, or your console. It may take several minutes to appear.
  • Please read through the comments before posting your own issue so we can cut down on duplicate posts
  • Reply to a thread confirming your issue if you already see it posted

For a complete list of known issues in Rocket League, check out our Known Issues page.

Posting about a bug? Please use this format:

  • Bug: A brief explanation of the problem.
  • Platform: EGS/Steam/PS4/PS4 Pro/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox One X/Series S/Series X/Nintendo Switch
  • Evidence: Video/Images -- YouTube, Imgur and Gfycat preferred. (If using YouTube, please make the video UNLISTED.)
  • Logs: If we need more information on a bug you're sharing using this format, we may reach out and ask you for logs, or ask you to submit logs on the RL support website.
    • Logs on PC are typically located at C:\\Users\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Logs

Thanks everyone! We hope you enjoy the update!

External link →

Release Thread - How To Help

Our latest update (v2.49) is now live. This update prepares Rocket League for Season 18 which releases at 9am PT later today. Patch notes will be posted shortly after the Season is live.
This thread is an effort to get all reports for any new bugs into one place.

  • If you don't see the update available to download yet, please restart EGS, Steam, or your console. It may take several minutes to appear.
  • Please read through the comments before posting your own issue so we can cut down on duplicate posts
  • Reply to a thread confirming your issue if you already see it posted

For a complete list of known issues in Rocket League, check out our Known Issues page.

Posting about a bug? Please use this format:

  • Bug: A brief explanation of the problem.
  • Platform: EGS/Steam/PS4/PS4 Pro/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox One X/Series S/Series X/Nintendo Switch
  • Evidence: Video/Images -- YouTube, Imgur and Gfycat preferred. (If using YouTube, please make the video UNLISTED.)
  • Logs: If we need more information on a bug you're sharing using this format, we may reach out and ask you for logs, or ask you to submit logs on the RL support website.
    • Logs on PC are typically located at C:\\Users\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Logs

Thanks everyone! We hope you enjoy the update!

External link →

We are aware players are experiencing matchmaking and general connection issues in Rocket League as we roll over into Season 18.
We're investigating and will provide an update once this is resolved.
You can follow along here and on

Originally posted by Psyonix_Laudie

We are aware players are experiencing matchmaking and general connection issues in Rocket League as we roll over into Season 18.
We're investigating and will provide an update once this is resolved.
You can follow along here and on

Matchmaking and general connection issues in Rocket League have been resolved.
We're now entering downtime for Season 18 - we'll update once the Season is live.

Originally posted by Psyonix_Laudie

Matchmaking and general connection issues in Rocket League have been resolved.
We're now entering downtime for Season 18 - we'll update once the Season is live.

Originally posted by quickERRR

Bug: Voice Chat Settings grayed out, Terms button not working (before game update I had Voice Chat disabled) , restarting game did not work.
Platform: Steam
Evidence: Youtube unlisted video

This should be resolved, are you still running into this issue after restarting your game?