A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
In specific cases, a player's rank for a certain Competitive playlist in Rocket League may be adjusted upwards to reflect the player’s actual skill.
Rocket League Competitive players,
We’re introducing an update to the Competitive rank system designed to increase match quality. Specifically, this change addresses “unintentional smurfing,” which is when a player is at a rank below their actual skill level simply because they haven’t played a specific playlist in a while.
Since the start of 2024, this change to the system has been tested on small groups of players across all Competitive Playlists. Because we’ve seen a significantly positive impact on match quality and player experience in these groups, we rolled out this change to all players earlier this week.
From now on, a player’s Competitive rank will be evaluated when they... Read more