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Trying to help the devs a little here with this, by narrowing down the platforms that are suffering with the issue.

PS5 seems to be a likely one, for me and friends.

Sorry Switch, no space for you, but sound off in the comments if you're a Switch player suffering from resets.

u/RocoJared .. u/Patient_Cloud_1079 .. Maybe this can help? Not sure if you have done something similar already tho 😅

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almost 2 years ago - /u/RoCoJared - Direct link

We are on the cusp of rolling out a fix for this before the weekend. We've stopped the resets from happening to any more players and are working to setting those affected back to their intended levels.

almost 2 years ago - /u/RoCoJared - Direct link

Originally posted by Madness2Rescue

u/RoCoJared, The account level is not reflecting correctly. I can see with my friends some are in 800+ and some in 600+

I was Lvl 550 + 700k odd xp . I am in Level 550 only. is this an issue?

Can you please explain this?

Could you send me screenshots of your friend's profile page? I need names and IDs(which is found the profile page) so that we can investigate as they might be in bad spots.

We had to remove the excess xp off of 550s to avoid major inventory issues on the backend. It's explained a bit in the patchnotes.