Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by kyleballins

Had a ronin bot on the other team doing that this morning

Thank you!

15 Jul


Do you have the match ID for this? What platform are you on and are you on a wired connection or WiFi?


Around what time was this match played and the time zone? Better yet, do you have the match ID? We pushed a couple fixes yesterday along with the Fixer hotfix, and this was one of the things we pushed a fix for, so if it is still happening, I'd like to let the team know.


Are you still seeing this issue? We pushed a hotfix yesterday for the Fixer crashing matches.


Yes, a couple members of the team lurk here quite often! Admittedly, many of us have pretty packed schedules, and some days are wall-to-wall meetings, making it difficult to be active posters here.

Reddit bug posts show up often in our QA channel and I read Reddit at least once a week (the Community team has had a busy few weeks ramping up for Steam, so I've been here less than usual) so I can put together a weekly report on the community's frustrations and feelings each week.

TL;DR - yes.


Are you still experiencing this, post-Fixer hotfix? What platform are you on? Was this when you first loaded into a match?

14 Jul


The team is actively working on the issue as we speak. Thank you all for your patience and videos. We will keep you posted. 🤝


Originally posted by Abinkadoo

Alright, you guys are playing damage control.

Either you're bots or being paid to make these posts.

My red flag went off earlier with a few posts, now yours pops up.

I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you.

13 Jul