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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Vault_Hunter

What is a hero satchel? There's a few references to them being rewards but I can't see any explanation of what they are

We covered it a little here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/hero-pass-a-better-more-rewarding-runescape

Hero Pass Satchels are another reward you'll earn that are packed with gameplay-focused goodies.

These satchels offer random rewards from a drop table, featuring items like Gifts of the Reaper, Sealed Clue Scrolls, Slayer VIP coupons, Ports resources, Starved Ancient Effigies, Dungeoneering Tokens, Goebie Burial Charms and more. This is all part of ensuring Hero Pass adds to your play and gets you more useful items for that next goal you've set!

You can see the full table of loot in-game, but we'll see if we can get it added to the Underworld post today.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SinderWisp

Any news about ironmen receiving hero satchels?

The feedback from Ironmen in general on Hero Pass might take us a little time, but conversations have already started on what options we can look at to improve. We'll keep you updated as they progress.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

If it really takes 40 minutes to do the daily tasks, and it doesn't complete by itself when I'm just doing my stuff, then I just won't bother. I don't have time to play with your Major Content Update.

I also resent the ugly mobile interface shoved in the desktop game. These are cheap battlepass aesthetics. Get that junk out of my RuneScape. Back to the drawing board.

You will complete them just by playing the game. If you put around 40 minutes or so of general time in doing whatever you'd prefer to be doing, based on the balancing goals, Daily Missions should be complete. You can half that if you focus on the skill tied to it if you want to speed it up.

I do want to restress something that was said in the original Hero Pass post though - these aren't supposed to be the same as Daily Challenges, but we made a concession on the design.

The XP Lamps being in there dilutes the original intent, which was more for the Missions to just reward you with progress for the days you play vs being 'Dailies' you feel compelled to do. We did something that somewhat conflicts with our design intent because we didn't want to fully pull XP from a Daily system without further consultation from the community on it.

If the end result of this is it feels worse because now you're having to spend 40 minutes to chase XP, that's a valid bit of feedback for us to look at - either removing XP entirely if the community agrees it's the better thing to do, or alternatively looking at options that get us closer to where Daily Challenges were for some kind of XP bump.

Once Hero Pass has been in your hands for a while and everyone has a feel for it in practice, this is definitely a conversation we'll be opening up.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by DanielSerpect

Please, can we have any updates at all about the retro Neitz helm? A simple “not yet started” would suffice if that’s the case.


I'll go prodding around today and see if I can track down where we're at with that, wish me luck!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by garl12

Treasure Hunter Calendar

Starts September 7th | Ends September 13th | Gifts from the Harvest

This Promo also includes the NEW Faceless Enforcer Walk Override Tradeable Token as an Ultra-Rare prize.

Isn't it a mistake?

Nope - you can currently earn the walk override as an instant unlock in the current Assassin's Return promo, but in the next promo, Gifts from the Harvest, there is a tradeable token version.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Remarkable_Trust_848

so...no flying ahrim fix /u/jagexdoom ?

No, that's still coming in a future update. I hope that we can get that through this week so it's in for next Monday! I'll give that a push, as I know a lot of necromancers are trying out ROTS!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


That's not Mod Keeper's fault.

Doom mentioned it last week, but this was a mistake on our part to not catch the error and we are sorry to those of you who felt misled by it. Wasn't the intent.

Heads down in Necromancy, we didn't stop and properly consider 'Major Update TBA' on the Development Update image. Lesson learned, we got that wrong and won't be making that mistake again.

While it is a major update after a long project from the previous Yak Track team to make something fundamentally integrated and much improved based on issues with Yak Track (if we got it right!) - which is where this term came from - we shouldn't have been using that term publicly.

It also shouldn't have been on a Development Update image, which no matter how we label them are seen as Content Roadmaps, which we also understand is why expectations were overstated for this. We don't see this as content, we see it as a system/reward based feature.

We are genuinely excited to see if this feels like a real step up in how rewarding RuneScape feels for everyone - and if there's issues, make this better with feedback. Our communications were misplaced, but hopefully you'll have a great time with it today.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SolaVitae

We have a reduced Patch Notes this week to enable extensive testing for Hero Pass' release, given it's a system that touches many elements of the game in different ways. Development work is still continuing on Necromancy updates and beyond.

Theres no way this made it into the patch notes without someone at Jagex acknowledging this would just piss off the player base and was completely unneccessary to even include in the first place right?

We felt it would be better to be transparent on why there's less Patch Notes than usual this week - especially when we've got lots of Necromancy feedback development still ongoing - than just have a small Patch Notes section with no context.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Gullible_Economy3295

Absolutely nothing They don't want irons in the game, we don't buy spins.

We are looking at the Ironman rewards for Hero Pass and looking to make improvements based on the feedback last week.

The team have been considering options on how we can make it better on that front - whether that's giving you more things worth spending Oddments on, some refinement to Ironman Hero Pass rewards or potentially both.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by overcookedchicken

As I said before:

It takes me 5 minutes to complete my daily challenges at the moment. This new system will take 40 minutes. An additional 35 minutes a day doing content I don't want to do. Dailyscape made worse, not better.

What if I want to spend the day doing clues, or other activities where I won't be actively gaining experience? I lose out because i'm not interacting with the Hero Pass. So instead, in my example of doing clues, I will be missing out and I am instead forced to do content I don't want to do.

At least with daily challenges I could get them out of the way very quickly so I can get on with doing the content I want, not content dictated by Jagex.

Clues are rewarded in Hero Pass as well. It acknowledges more than just skilling XP - bossing, clue scrolls etc are all covered.

To be clear, Daily Missions reward you for doing anything pretty much - you do not have to do a specific task or skill. Simply playing will progress the Daily Mission, without needing to alter your gameplay in any way.

In terms of if you miss that short, sharper burst of a Daily reward of some kind - that's feedback we can look at if it feels like the experience isn't delivering on the intent. We're absolutely open to feedback on how this plays, and what people want to see changed.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Double_Ranger_7732

But the XP has been fully pulled from Ironmen accounts.

We'll add this to our current Ironman discussions for consideration. We're looking at Ironman rewards all up based on last week.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by TheHotshot1

I think the community will be a lot happier if we got similar XP gains to the old daily challenge system.

Thank you for the feedback!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SinderWisp

Dailies should never take 40 minutes, now we're compelled to log in for 40 minutes a day just to chase a reduced xp amount and fomo battle pass completion.

How is this better then having us spend 5-10mins on previous dailies and be done with it for the day?

This is feedback we'll be watching closely. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - please keep it coming if you feel this way in the next week or so once you've had some hands on time with it.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by TrimmingMasterwork

Feedback: Can't open it in combat. That's cool, didn't really want to look around anyway.

We're passing this to the team now to take a look at along with the replies. Thanks for the feedback.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by RandomRapier

What happened to the ”awaiting system update” -list of the newest Necromancy post?

Awaiting System Update means the content work is done, it just needs QA and implementation into a release. Expect to see a lot of these next week.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by RonaldoVII

Golden Bamboo fix? Investigation? Anything?

Go on, tap that sign. I'll tap the zero communication sign.

We should definitely follow up on this with the team.

Tagging /u/JagexDoom as I'm away over the next week after today. Hopefully we can get you an update.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Phteven

Cool, so you took away daily challenges but don't even provide Ironmen XP lamps from the daily missions, nor does it look like we get Hero Satchels which a good majority of the rewards we could already receive from the daily challenge weekly progress track.

  • Give Ironmen lamps from Daily Missions, even if they are locked to the skill of the mission.
  • Give Ironmen Hero Satchels with rewards limited to those we already received from the weekly progress track.

Please and Thank You.

u/JagexDoom u/JagexHooli

Thank you for the feedback on this. Been mentioning it a bunch, but we are looking at rewards for Ironmen players at the moment - we'll add this to the feedback we're passing along for the team to consider.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by RonaldoVII

Shame not all missions auto complete. I'm 200m Necromancy and it wants me to complete another 100 rituals? Seems pointless.

Unfortunately that was one we couldn't make retroactive out of the Special Mission due to how it's tracked.

Good feedback for the team for future Special Mission consideration though - it's designed to feel additive to playing the latest content, which doesn't apply in your case.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by stohead

Feedback: Can't peruse the Hero Pass Interface while skilling. Really annoying.

It's being looked into - we've already logged a ticket for it!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by peaceshot

Why can't we open the interface while in combat or while skilling? Seems really silly to have to stop what you're doing to open the Hero Pass.

This is feedback we're discussing with the team now. Hearing this loud and clear from initial hands-on experiences.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Deminfire

Why the heck do I need to spend Vis Wax to select my task now rather than be able to block skills I'm already 99/120/200m in?

I thought this update was supposed to mean I can just go about my own business than do some random task in this stupid pass.

You can do absolutely anything to progress it.

You just gain bonus progress from a randomly assigned Skill associated to it, which is purely for optimisation (ie. if you want to finish all three tiers of rewards in half the time).

The Vis Wax is there if you want to get that bonus progress specifically in what you are doing regardless of what is originally assigned you as the bonus skill.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by majkelj

Screen flickering still occurs.
During zamorak the lord of chaos fight, when u enter infernus, you still get black box "artifacts". Any of the client performance issues getting addressed in the near future ?

We're waiting on an engine fix for this - /u/JagexDoom may be able to share the latest dates from the team.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Escape_Artist_EUW

Hero Pass UI not usable during combat. That's really annoying.
Special Slayer mission locked to a certain master is also bad.

Definitely valid feedback, we're discussing this with the team right now, you're not the only one with that experience so we're seeing how we can tweak that.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Next_Astronaut_3458

u/JagexHooli u/JagexDoom Any comments on how gutted this content is for Irons? Between this and combat xp I picked a terrible time to decide to start playing the game again and playing an iron as of that. Also why Oddments instead of hero store currency if you aren't going to give us the satchels?

We are absolutely looking at that feedback yes. We're hearing Irons loud and clear - working on what we can do with the team.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by dreamgzer

Ok can we get a filter to turn off hero points notifications? 5 minutes in and already got old.

An option to turn off in both text and the ping sound it makes. Or at least make it notify you when you hit big threshold, not every time it ticks...it also should be able to be opened in combat and while skilling.

Edit: Oh god please do something about the notification every minute, I hate it so much.

We've got these noted to look at, thank you! :)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Selesia_read_it

Allow the player to turn off any hooks, audio queues and interruptions the hero pass forces upon the player while going about their day.

  • turn off the ding when you get points
  • turn off pop-ups when I happen to accidentally complete something
  • turn off log-in splash screens
  • turn off combat and action interrupts
  • Turn off reminders
  • ...

I want to dictate when I decide to go and interact or check up on your "major game update" and constant reminders is just going to make me turn off the game completely

it can do it's thing in the background, but I do not want to be notified or deal with what it does until I personally decide to open your poorly designed, UX interface that is jarring with the rest of the UX suit, cannot be adjusted in size,..... and frankly looks like a cheap gacha cash grab on mobile interface

at least the yak track interface had the decency to be quiet and left it up to player agency to check it out/check out the progress

now that my scathing is over some constructive points:

  • delete the current interface and move it to exist in the viewport on Adventures -> challenges existing interface
  • Remove any pop-ups or ding and interruptions
  • create a filterable progress notification for the daily and weekly mission
  • execute ONE and only ONE sound byte and message in the existing in-game chat about the current missions
  • allow the challenge masters in the max guild/priff and burthope to (using the old interface) to filter/block some specific challenges depending on you being max level in said skill

Thanks for this feedback, have passed these on to the team and we're already working on allowing the interface to be open during activities :)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Californ1a

When you pin the daily mission to the activity tracker, it doesn't show what skill it's currently attuned to in the activity tracker like the yak track tasks would. It was much nicer with yak track being able to pin the tasks and go through multiple tiers without having to open the yak track UI every tier just to see what skills those tasks were. You can't do multiple tasks in a row now because you have to open the UI to claim stuff every task.

Especially with it being multiple layers of interfaces you have to go through now to find what skill it is - click upgrades & extras button on the ribbon (since for some reason it's the only ribbon button without a hover menu to go directly to a specific window), then click hero pass, then go to the missions tab, then potentially scroll up to daily if it isn't currently selected, then x out of both the hero pass window and the upgrades & extras window. There's a lot of extra UI friction now on every task.

The activity tracker also only supports pinning 5 things, but this hero pass has a total task list of 7, so you can't pin everything like you could with just the 2 yak track tasks, forcing you to have to go open the UI more often.

Thanks for this feedback, we just passed it to the team to consider.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Butternubicus

You've really dropped the ball with this my god.

Hero pass progress popups are really distracting.

Hero satchels should contain DTDs if dailies are never coming back.

Stop closing the UI when interacting with anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remove the challenge tab and replace it with a Hero Pass ui if it's going to be permanently in the game.

Let us block skills from the missions if we're 99+, like challenges did. I'm not touching half of the skills I've 200m'ed.

The special missions should have counted from the release of said content. 20 slayer tasks from Raptor and 100 rituals isn't a lot, I know, but you explicitly said you wouldn't be railroading players into doing content.

edit 2: the more I look around, the more I actually hate this update. I don't usually say that, Jagex. I know nothing will change, since all this will blow over in a week as you're probably expecting, but you really need to do better :/

edit 3: hero pass ui being closed has been hotfixed (edit: at least for skilling, I no longer get interrupted when wcing, post on /new seems to indicate combat is still affected)

Definitely valid feedback - we've got a fix in to keep the UI open whenever you're skilling or interacting with anything! Have raised the 200m XP Blocking with the team as well.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

BTW, Rasial doesn't count for the "skill and kill" in the weekly "gain hero points" task.

Weird - I'll get that logged with the team now.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by ocd4life

Is there any way to turn off the green hero points pop up?

Incidentally how do I check how many hero points I have? I had tons of daily challenge skips saved up and they were converted but I don't see the new currency anywhere?

Overall I feel this is a big update... for Jagex dev team. For me as a player it is shrug.

Disappointed the invention xp changes haven't happened.

They should be in the bar in the top middle of the Hero Pass progress interface, the skips will have automatically applied. Hoping we get the Invention XP changes in next week!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by doomsteel4

Also add an option for oddments or item reward, I'd rather have an option to get them because I will never buy keys and I was 10k from a pet I've been saving for.

Yup, oddments store is firmly in my (iron)sights too if it's something we can tweak. I know that a lot of Irons are sitting on tens of thousands of Oddments, would be great to offer some ways to spend them!